Format: Vinyl New: call store to check stock 610-683-5599
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The original incarnation of Amsterdam's The Anomalys was a concept to behold: uniformly toweringand chiseled, and as savage on stage as a band could be. They also produced only one full-length in tenyears of existence, with a few EP's to keep the fans drooling in vain in anticipation of that next album.Their current line-up with long time Conductor-in-Chief Bone, featuring Looch Vibrato (Magnetix) andRemi Lucas (Weird Omen) has graced Slovenly with an EP and an album (2019 and 2022 respectively),and have wasted minimal time putting together this 'Down the Hole' LP, and MOTHERFUCKER THIS ISThe Anomalys LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD THEM BEFORE. The rock'n'roll heebie jeebies arein full force this round, with more fuzz, distortion, speed, vitriol, and sheer VOLUME than we ever thoughtattainable. Sometimes predictable on past efforts (but always a good fuckin' time, natch), the troopers arecompletely unhinged and gloriously messy here, while retaining that peculiar formula that makes andkeeps them undeniably ANOMALYS.TRACKLIST:Anxiety, Despair, Go Away, Flat Top, On My Way, Coke Head, Innocence, Slaughterhouse