"The World's Most Hated Band," notorious rappers Insane Clown Posse, find themselves unwitting warriors for the First Amendment after they and their one million die-hard fans (called Juggalos) are labeled a gang by the FBI. With the help of the ACLU, the band fights to uncover the reasons behind the designation and get removed from the gang list as their fans begin to lose their jobs, have their children put into protective custody, and face jail time - all because of their musical tastes.
"The World's Most Hated Band," notorious rappers Insane Clown Posse, find themselves unwitting warriors for the First Amendment after they and their one million die-hard fans (called Juggalos) are labeled a gang by the FBI. With the help of the ACLU, the band fights to uncover the reasons behind the designation and get removed from the gang list as their fans begin to lose their jobs, have their children put into protective custody, and face jail time - all because of their musical tastes.
"The World's Most Hated Band," notorious rappers Insane Clown Posse, find themselves unwitting warriors for the First Amendment after they and their one million die-hard fans (called Juggalos) are labeled a gang by the FBI. With the help of the ACLU, the band fights to uncover the reasons behind the designation and get removed from the gang list as their fans begin to lose their jobs, have their children put into protective custody, and face jail time - all because of their musical tastes.